Birth Photography Educational Event

Hello and good morning to all of my loyal readers and fans! Okay, Okay, I am a legend in my own mind. I will admit that. I hope at least a few people read about this amazing event.

The First Annual LIVE Image Evaluation Educational Event in collaboration with Exposing Birth and education brought to you by Birthbound Photographer took place July 19th/20th and was broadcast worldwide. I had the honor to be a part of the review panel.

Up at 430am to review the most amazing and breathtaking images along with other artists’ on the panel. I mean, I looked like a hot mess, but who doesn’t at that ungodly hour? Besides, entrants don’t care what I look like, it’s the feedback on the images they are looking for.

Exposing Birth

What is Exposing Birth? Exposing birth is an educational platform for not only new photographers, but seasoned professionals to up their game. There are podcasts to listen to, classes to purchase, presets, mock births to watch and so much more. Lacey Barratt, founder of Exposing Birth, is a pretty awesome human, doula and educational guru. Okay, guru might be a bit much, but she is an engaging, tell it like it is type of gal.

Birthbound Photographer

Birthbound Photographer is also an educational site for growing as an artist and professional birth photographer. The site was founded by Austin based photographer, Leilani Rogers. This is an excerpt from her site pertaining to why the site exists:

There is a lot of growth in front of us still. I hope Birthbound Photographer becomes a place where birth photographers feel nurtured and driven to work smarter. A place where we challenge each other to raise the standards that weigh our communities down… burn out, unsustainable wages, lack of proper training (to name a few). We are not average photographers… this work requires exceptional skill and understanding! And I have complete confidence that our amazing list of instructors (meet them here) can help you grow in all these ways and more.

International Association of Professional Birth Photographers

Both of these amazing groups made the First Annual LIVE Image Evaluation possible through the IAPBP-International Association of Professional Birth Photographers-of which, I am a member. This is an invaluable group. This group is forever trying to build up each artist and the genre. It provides awareness of birth photography to the public, holds annual image competitions and holds members to an ethically high standard. The public can also look for an approved artist in their area.

My hope is that birth photography will continue to grow and standards of the artists will continue to climb.

I love my job!