Hi there! If you know me even just a little, you know my preference is indoor sessions. I find it difficult to control that giant strobe in the sky! To be honest, I do like these sessions, but always bring lighting. Even if I don’t use it, it is a sort of security blanket for me.
So there I was in Fallbrook with my little wagon chalk full of lighting equipment and dresses. Trudging down the trail until the right location appeared, my beautiful clients had no problem helping me pull my wee wagon. Then we found the spot! A little creek–well a sorta big creek– shown like an oasis. It rained like a mutha the weekend before so it was nice and full. There was sandbar island in the middle. I debated with myself if I was going to crisscross the creek bringing my light, softbox and stand, but ultimately I decided since I brought it, might might as well use it! I think the pictures say it was a good decision!

The image below is the little sandbar.

Soon we decided to head back down the trail. The lighting was splotchy. Lots of trees, so lots of dappling of light. A photographer’s nightmare. Again, I debated over getting my light back out, but ultimately decided lets end this outdoor maternity session with a bang!