

Happy August 2022! Ok, let’s get real, hot freaking hot is it? If I venture outside, I am immediately melt. Please. Oh please become fall—let the “ember” months begin!

Ok, now that’s off my chest, lets talk publications. As you may (or may not know) I had an interview with SHOUTOUT LA magazine last year. Since expanding my birth photography and doula services to include San Diego, Orange and Riverside counties, SHOUTOUT SOCAL magazine asked to do a similar interview.

They like me. They really like me!

It’s always exciting to get asked to interview. I think birth photography might be a little misunderstood. I think people feel we are going to be all up in their lady parts and photographing their naked body. News Flash–birth photography is really about the feelings, emotions, the high and lows and everything in between on the day your child is born. What were you doing? What was your partner doing? How did you cope with labor? Who was there in the room? What did your baby look like? Did you cry? Laugh? Did your partner faint dead away or did they throw their arms around you in joyous celebration? Maybe it was a more subdued day. Maybe you decided on an epidural or a C-section. Did you get in the shower? Did you use a birth tub, birth stool or peanut ball?

What I am trying to say, birth photography is the journey of your story on that day. One day in your life that is documented. It’s not about nekkid lady parts.

woman in a hospital during labor. She has a doula applying counter pressure.

Alright Already, where is the SHOUTOUT SOCAL article?

You can find the article here. Please don’t look only at the pretty pictures–I do have some things to say. I describe how I got started (duh!), why I love it and some tidbits about the Southern California area.

A mother holding her baby after a cesarean birth by Birth and Beauty photography

Is Birth Photography Right For You?

I realize birth photography isn’t for everyone. However; if you are curious and have questions, you can read anywhere on this website or you can send an email. I will happy to talk with you. No pressure to book!