
Welcome 2022 and baby boy Arthur!

Color birth photo of a woman on a birth ball holding on to her partner

2022 started off with a bang. I attended a wonderful birth at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. A beautiful boy was brought to earth in the wee hours of January 4th. This was her second child and an induced labor. During my 24 hours there, I captured such wonderful and private moments. Not all parents want their images plastered all over the internet and I 100% respect that, but here are a few to share.

Color baith photo of a laboring mother holding her husband's hands.
birth photo of a woman pushing during childbirth by Los Angeles birth photographer, Leona Darnell

Where have I been?

As you can see this is my first post since September of 2021. Oh yes, it’s true–I have been a bit neglectful of the blog, but I have a great excuse! During the month of November and December, I am usually busy doing Santa photos. I started early November and it took me well into December to finish up the beautiful images of the many wonderful families that came to my studio.

What’s on tap for the rest of the year?

Births! Births! And more births! Oh yes, I have already booked 4 this year and am looking forward to seeing new bouncing babies!

I intend to write more about the childbirth process here in this blog. Spinning Babies workshops are coming up to enhance my doula offerings. Possibly furthering my education, I may get certified as a postpartum doula.

I can’t wait to see what the universe sends my way this year. I will gladly meet those things head on.