
What is Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

We have all seen beautiful babies in buckets or adorable wrapped babes surrounded by lively colored material. These are gorgeous. I 100% agree and if I could do them or had the patience of Mother Teresa herself, I would totally offer them. I have tried my hand at them and failed quite miserably. The closest I got to adorably swaddled love is the picture below.

I have others, but I just can’t bear to show them. They are not bad per se, but they are a far cry from the sweet little fluffs you find all over the internet.

I still hold onto all my props and beanbags for newborn work, but I haven’t crossed the threshold again. Now, I offer lifestyle newborn sessions.

Strictly Speaking, it is Unposed Images

Wait. What? Unposed. Yes. These lifestyle sessions are unposed and organic. I photograph life as it unfolds. These newborn sessions generally take place in your home and concentrate on the connection between the parents and siblings and the newborn.

Santa Monica lifestyle newborn photographer captures a mother smiling as baby looks at the camera.

When Should I get the Lifestyle Sessions Done?

Unlike the cutsie posed babies in balls where 15 days is pretty max, lifestyle sessions allow for more leeway. I would say anytime up to about 8 weeks. Personally, I prefer a bit older 6-8 weeks because then they have so much more personality. They are small enough to sleep and old enough to have wide bright eyes. Also, parents become more comfortable holding them without thinking they are going to break. Losing that fear and becoming confident in holding your baby allows for more natural and beautiful images.

What Should I do to Prepare for a Lifestyle Newborn Session?

There are a couple things to keep in mind. Bathing and lotion are a big thing. Bathing not so much as lotion. We all know newborns can have some serious dry skin. Applying lotion after a nice bath can help with this. Make sure baby naps and eats before your session. Nothing can be more frustrating for a parent as a baby that is uber fussy.

lifestyle newborn image of a mother kissing her new son at home.
Lifestyle newborn image of a mother, father and newborn meeting the family dog by Leona Darnell
Lifestyle photo of a newborns toes while being held by his mother by Leona Darnell

Are you ready to book your Lifestyle Newborn Session?

I offer these as an add on to your birth photography package or as a stand alone product. I am happy to talk with you and answer any questions you may have. You can contact me here.